Well, it's been an awesome year to date. Horns being made, friends being made with good food and drink. We continue to make our famous AG2K and our AK1930 and have introduced our NEW AG3K Uni-Body with Hollow Valves. More on these horns later in this newsletter. In April Adrian Dunker and my brother Jim Atkinson manned the workshop while I embarked on an epic journey across the America driving over 13,000 miles meeting new friends, lecturing about our horns at University clinics, hooking up with major orchestras and seeing the best damn country on earth on a road trip of a lifetime !! States visited were Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New York and New York state...lol.....,Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and back home to California. All in all about 25 destinations. Met hundreds upon hundreds of hornist and featured our NEW AG3Ks. One with hollow valves and the other with solid valves. The approval rate was phenomenal with orders taken and sales made. The time for the trip was around 6 weeks which entailed communications and difficult logistics. Next trip is this September/next month and going to the North West via San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, Montana, Utah and back home. Send me a message if you would like to try our new horns or call me to make an appointment.
It's official WE are working on a new triple of a unique and different design. As of this newsletter, we have made the valve casing, drilled the holes, fabricated the knuckles and made the bottom bearings and valve caps. We are employing special techniques hard learned to lighten up the body so this triple will have a fast response and yet a hefty American sound. My apprentice Adrian is spearheading this development and design while I am in charge of the making of most of the critical components. This horn will have tapered rotors and casings and will be made at first in Brass with Red Brass and Nickel-Silver to follow. Stay tuned on our FB page and our fan page at "Atkinson Horn Workshop". Eta....2017. All components well be made in our marvelous Burbank workshop....visitors welcomed !! We have launched this NEW website which is "atkinsonbrassco.com". We are very excited about this website and the navigation is simpler and the items will be for online ordering !! Pass the word and tell your friends. Many new items will be added in the near future both of our own making and that of others. Atkinson Brass has EXPANDED our workshop to include another 1500 square feet making our total floor space to just over 3300 square feet. All this space is dedicated to the making of our horns and providing an awesome repair facility for our customers. Check it out.....Plum will have a private office and we will have a designated showroom to display all sorts of products from horns, mouthpieces, mutes, cases, bell flares, leadpipes, sheet music and method books, etc. etc... Amenities will include refreshments, free wifi, Berlin Digital Concert Series, Metropolitan Digital Concert Series, Ivasi Interactive System and lots of well EVERYTHING !!! Come on by youll have a BLAST. Visitors welcome, no need to buy! Need transportation to come to our workshop whether your close by or at LAX call us and well try our best to pick you up @818-903-3336 and 818-903-1958. ATKINSON B&B.....wanna try horns or have major repairs and need a place to stay? Give us a holler and well try our best to accommodate you in our private guest room with shower and Full kitchen. The room is pretty busy so book early. Call us @ 818-903-3336 or 818-903-1958
Happy Independence Day from the A-TEAM!
We are happy to announce our new and much improved website! Our new website offers an easier navigation, all the latest news from our shop, and an online store which not only features our own horns and parts but also music from composers Adrian Dunker and Steve Mahpar! We also have a feature where you can submit a quote request (with pictures!) for repairs! We have also moved our shop into one building and now have a complete showroom which will soon be equipped with music books, stands, mutes, accessories, cases, and of course our horns! We will also have iVasi available so that you can try out our horns with an orchestra! Thank you for visiting our new website and come back soon for more updates! The A-TEAM |
The A-Team
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